Outstanding report email generator

The Problem

Clinical laboratories routinely send samples away to other specialist labs for analysis. The vast majority of the time, the reports are returned with no issues. However, for whatever reason, some reports do not make it back and stay as outstanding in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).

This requires a member of staff to pull out data from the labs LIMS in the form of a CSV file and manually go through each outstanding sample per laboratory and send out emails asking for a copy of the missing reports. This is a VERY laborious and time conusming process. So here is my solution.

The Solution

This WPF application allows the user to import a CSV file and filter outstanding tests by laboratory. Once the lab is selected, the user will be given the option to generate an email detailing the outstanding tests that are required.

The Technical Stuff

-WPF application using MVVM architecture

-CSVhelper is used to parse the CSV file

-The generated template is opened in outlook using Microsoft Office Interop

Future Features

This application is in routine use in my laboratory and being activly maintained and improved based on user feedback.

For the next version I plan on adding the following:

-Be able to edit the email template

-Highlight tests that are in the LIMS but not validated

-Counter next to each lab to indicate how many outstanding tests there are